Well this summer has been off to a rousing start-lets just say we have been busy and life and has given us a few curveballs. Nothing we can't handle, but still surprising. And most have taken us by surprise in good ways and some not so much. So where to begin----
In April my mom found out she had a benign brain tumor. The neurologists said she had to get it out as soon as possible-so her surgery was scheduled for June 18. This tumor has really affected her-she had lost a lot of her peripheal vision on the right side, she could no longer grip a pencil and her balance has been really unsteady. So her surgery was 10 hours long-the tumor was the size of a golf ball and they were able to get it all out!!! She was only in the hospital for 4 days and is doing AWESOME!!! Her balance is coming back, but since they basically had to cut out her inner ear on the right side to get to the tumor, the other side is going to have to start compinsating-it is coming along slowly but everyday she is getting better. She is regaining the strength in her right arm and hand. The tumor was wrapped around her facial nerve and it had stretched it quite a bit, so right now she is dealing with the right side of her face not working as it should. The doctors say it will come back, but may take up to a year. We have already seen a ton of improvement just in these first 2 weeks. The kids and I have spent a lot of time over at my parents house to help out, as she can't be alone for awhile. It has been stressful, but we are sooo grateful for these skilled surgeons who essentially saved my moms life.
The kids have been ultra busy with all of the activities they do in the summer. Tatiyana has gymnastics 4 hours a week, Tanner has been playing T-ball, and they both have been taking swimming lessons with their cousins. It has kept us moving almost everyday and so there hasn't been a lot of time for blogging. So far we are enjoying the summer, we have a two week break from swimming and then back at it.
There are really two big shockers for us so far this summer. The good one I will write about in another post as this is already getting long. But yesterday I was given quite the jolt when my parents told me they were moving to St. George. Now this is a HUGE surprise, but my dad was offered a job down there that they just can't pass up, it pays a lot more and will enable my mom to not have to work, which is a relief for her since she is still recovering. They had always planned on retiring down there, so this just jump starts that process for them. I of course am so sad, I really have loved having them so close and the kids have such a great relationship with them and my sister Lauren-it is going to be a hard adjustment. I am trying to be supportive because I fully understand their reasons for going and I know that they have to do the best thing for them. I am tough and will survive. I always thought I would be the first one to move away from Utah County-but they beat me to it :) It is going to be fast because they want my Dad to start working right away, so they are down there this week looking at houses. It is crazy how fast life can change. I am hoping it will be a great move for them. I especially hope that it will be good for Lauren, she has really struggled the last 2 years at her school and was not looking forward to going to high school. I really hope that she can make some good friends and enjoy the rest of her teen years. I am going to miss just being able to drop in, or meet up for lunch. It is going to be a little crazy.
So that is the madness of my summer so far. Of course there is one more surprise that took us for a spin, but I will post about that later. I will try to post more often and get some pics up of the fun things the kids are doing this summer.