Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jenn Needs.......

$20,000 to get this adoption rolling! I did the google search Jenn Needs-and it was pretty funny. So this is what according to Google I need......

1. To Grow up and Deal-(well maybe, but I try!)
2. To get her Groove Back(I didn't know I had a groove, but heck if its lost I sure would like to find it)
3. Post office hours
4.A healthy dose of sweet magical caffeine (A truer statement I could not find) Vanilla Coke=YUM!!!
5. a puppy(now I have been trying to convince my husband of this for awhile-he doesn't buy it)
6. A vacation!! (Don't we all??)
7. Help Filing out Capital Expense Report????
8. To buy a horse(now that is something that I could get my husband to buy)
9. Go to the Post Office(how do they know this? I really need to send out some stuff)
and finally....
10. Needs a HOT ROD!! (Well anything would be better than my minivan, but what I really NEED is an BMW X5-that sounds fantastic!!!)

So there you have it-all the things I didn't know I needed!! Haha-that was fun! You should try it

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summer Reading

So I found this fantastic website I LOVE IT!!! The other night I spent hours on there adding my books and looking up books that I wanted to read. I then mooched 7. Yes, 7. I love to read and am always looking for a good book. 3 came over the weekend and it is only Tuesday and I have already finished them. I know, it is a bit obsessive, but I can't help it. Because I obsess and read an entire book in one day I try very hard not to have too many books that I want to read, cause I tend to get so involved that I ignore everything and everyone around me. It is a bad habit of mine. But I figure summer is a great time to read, the kids can play outside and I can sit on the porch and read. If you haven't checked it out do, and if you have a great book recommendation I would love to hear it!! Of course I am just counting down the days until Harry Potter comes out-that will be several days of doing nothing-and I can hardly wait!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Graduation, Summer, and Coming Clean

Wow-so I am a horrible blogger!!! The end of May was crazy with Kindergarten Graduation, our 8th anniversary, my best friends wedding and hubby's family visiting. It took up a lot of time and kept me busy, which was a good thing.

My cute daughter had Kindergarten Graduation. It was so adorable and I cried like a baby. Is that normal? Probably, it is the mom thing to do. I just can't believe that she has finished her first year of school. They grow up so fast.
We celebrated our 8th anniversary. We went to dinner and did some shopping. Nothing super exciting but it was fun to do out without the kids. We went to an Asian Place up at the Gateway that was fairly good. It seems like just yesterday we were married. Time sure does go by faster as you get older.
My husbands family was in town for 2 weeks to celebrate the birth of his sister's baby. He is a cutie and so sweet and fun to hold. Totally adds to the baby hunger we already feel. I am of course super excited for my sil, but still found I was a bit jealous. I wondered if it was totally wrong for me to feel that way. Of course I love him to pieces and am so happy for their cute family. Summer is here and I am excited to slow down a bit and enjoy time with the kids, of course they want to be doing something everyday, so I am trying to come up with activities for us to do.
We recently decided that I should wean off of my antidepressant. Yes, I suffered from fairly severe post partum depression and have been on meds for just over 3 yrs. I always felt like it was something to be ashamed of and I never ever told anyone that I was taking medication for my depression. It just didn't fit with the perfect mother image I felt that I had to live up to. Of course it is all in my head and I am sure that pressure I put on myself didn't help. I digress-anyways, as of late I felt that my meds were not as effective as they used to be and I was feeling a lot of side effects that I had never felt before. I felt horrible physically and no matter what dr. I went to could not come up with a reason why I was gaining weight, having hot flashes, headaches and night sweats. I was tired all the time and completely sick of feeling that way. Luckily a good friend of mine, who knows about my depression, suggested I look at the side effects of my antidepressant. So I did a little research, came across many support groups for people who have been or are currently on this particular drug. Lo and behold, so many of the things I have been feeling many others have also experienced while on this drug. Back when I was so depressed I didn't bother to research the drug, I just wanted to desperately to feel better, but I am so glad I did now. My hubby and I made the decision, that although the withdrawal from it could be severe, that in the long run I would be better off if I stopped taking it. It has been rough, but I have been incredibly lucky to not have some of the severe withdrawals that many others have had. I have now been off for about a month and I actually feel better than I have in a long long time. The headaches, night sweats and hot flashes have all gone and I find I have so much more energy. Obviously what works for me is not what is right for everyone, but I glad that I made this choice for me and my family.
No news on the adoption front. We haven't been able to save a lot of money, but we are trying I guess that that is what is important. I am impatient and long to hold my baby in my arms, to get her home safe and sound where she can be loved and adored. I know all adoptive parents feel this way, and waiting is part of the process. But it is still so hard. Most of our family have been nothing but supportive of our decision and we are truly grateful for that. My mil is coming around, although she seems to think that just because she wasn't able to get anymore after her 3rd that we just need to accept that we might be done. That is hard to take, and I truly hope that by the time we are ready to go pick up our sweetie that she will be fully supportive. Obviously adoption isn't for everyone, but we feel it is what is right for our family and feel that the Lord has led here for a reason. I just wish more people could understand that what is right for them may not be what is right for us and that is okay. Alright I am done with my soapbox moment. Thank you for the kind comments I receive-I will try to update more often.