So I went to the OB/GYN on Friday-here is how it went
Doc- So what symptoms have you been having?
Me-Well I didn't have a period for 3 months and then I bled for 3 months straight
Doc-Hmmm-it sounds like you probably aren't ovulating
Me-yup-and this is news?? Your the 3rd doc to tell me that*
Doc-well lets try some clomid
Me-Ive done 6 or 7 cycles of clomid and I never ovulate on it-even at the highest dose
Doc-well lets run some blood work and see what that tells us
Me-you mean the blood tests we run every 6 months that tell you I didn't ovulate but everything else is normal?* Okay we can do that
Doc-have you been to the fertility specialists yet?
Me-yeah-they didn't even look at my chart and ordered all the same tests I had just had done 2 weeks before-My previous doc thought I had POF and the fertility doc said no thats not even possible without even looking at my chart-so we werent very happy with that visit
Doc-hmm that is strange, they are usually so thorough-well lets see what the blood work says and we'll go from there
Me-Okay thanks
*Italics to add my thoughts-not what I actually said*
So needless to say I didn't get much out of my trip to the doctor-I am not adverse to going back to a fertility specialist-but I would like to find one that will actually listen to me and not just assume because I am so young or because I have had 2 kids that nothing could be wrong. I actually have all the symptoms of POF-of course I hope that that isn't it. I am so ready to move forward with an adoption-I would just like to know what is wrong with me for closure I guess.
I'd say we would all be willing to give our first born child for a good doctor....but...probably not! I can't believe they get paid for that amount of time where you could have told them that stuff already! Thinking about you. Praying for your success.
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