Monday, February 5, 2007

Sir, will you please step out of your car?????

Okay, so we are driving home from church yesterday and are just about to pull into our neighborhood when the lights go on and we get pulled over. Our registration sticker had fallen off. So we give the officer all of the info, showing that yes the car is registered and insured. So we are waiting and he comes over and asks my husband to please step out of the vehicle. In November he had gotten pulled over for a headlight being out-I think our cops have nothing better to do--and of course it was when we were moving and it was only a 5 min. drive to our new house but the kids weren't in carseats. So he gets a ticket. Well I tried to pay it over the Christmas break, but the court told me to try and get the headlight fixed and then they would take that off of the ticket. Well T's car is a piece of poo and there is a short in the headlight and has to be professionally repaired. So in January we get a notice that because we didn't pay it is now doubled and if we don't pay the $300 bucks they will put a warrant out for his arrest. So this brings me back to yesterday. This warrant was just issued 3 days before. Yup-you got it they were going to arrest my husband for having a headlight out. He could pay the bail in cash or go with him to jail. A great way to end our sunday. So he goes to the bank and pulls out $350 dollars so he doesn't get arrested. The officer than says "I am glad that you could do this cause I have never taken anyone to jail in a suit" Needless to say T was not very happy. So my husband-the hardened criminal that he is-now has a police record.

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