Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Baby is 4

Wow, it is hard to believe that my baby just turned 4 yrs old this week. We had a fun party at the park and invited our friends and family. He got all kinds of super hero toys and loves to save the day. I realized that I only have a year left before he off to school with his sister. It makes me sad. I didn't expect to have all my kids in school before I was 30. I had hoped to have little ones to take care of until I was at least 35. Maybe I still will.
Adoption is a long and hard road. I sometimes feel so frustrated because I am just ready to have our sweet baby home. We went off birth control 3 years ago. Never in a million years did I expect to still be waiting for the baby that we both know is suppose to be a part of our family. Both of us knew that we were suppose to have another child, and that is why even though our son was only 9 months old, we look that leap. It was scary, he was still a baby. I know that we are going through this for a reason and I think that if we had not had these struggles than we never would have been led to the path of adoption. I am so grateful for that. Adoption is so beautiful and amazing and I can't wait to be apart of it. So heres to hoping that we can save the money quickly and get this show on the road. Patience is a virtue that I don't have.

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